About Upanatem

Upanatem is Montreal based interactive design, branding and business strategy consulting agency that also does film, video production and photography.

+1 438 824 5551

Monday, October 22, 2012

異化した視覚 / Dissimilated Vision

制作 : 片山拓人 / animation : Katayama Takuto
音楽 : 菊池亮太 / music : Kikuchi Ryouta
編曲 : 濵中峻 / arrangement : Hamanaka Shun

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Barry Underwood: Light Pollution Artist

Yes, but my attempt is not to portray environmental issues in a heavy-handed way. I think about science fiction and how the fantastic or supernatural is supported or given credibility by a ubiquitous everyday world. Within the storytelling there is a moral to the tale. There is a looking inward process or a self-evaluation (on cause and effect) and the consequences of one’s actions.

Juxtapoz Interview